Impresii Parinti despre After School-uri

Impresii Copii despre FollowMe - cursuri de limba engleza pentru copii


I had fun this year at FollowMe. We learned a lot of things, but we also talked and played games. Since the beginning we have learned so many interesting things. My classmates and I also had fun in the break. Miss was awesome! I had a lot of fun!
Andra Marin, S4A, Vitan

I truly love FollowMe! It’s not just an English school for me, it’s more like a family and it has been like this since I first started here several years ago. I’ve always felt welcomed and I still feel the same way. The teachers and staff are amazing, helpful, prepared, and very professional. We also have lots of fun during the lessons and activities. It’s a pleasure to be here every time and learn in such an inspiring and friendly environment. Thank you so much for everything!!!
Maria Georgescu, J4B, Drumul Taberei

This year was full of joy and I learned a lot more than I thought at the beginning. I had lots of fun and I made new friends. I had the best teacher ever. She laughed and played with us different games.
We had a lot of fun activities and we made many beautiful projects. In conclusion, this year was a total success.
Roxana Mitran, S4A, Vitan

This school year was fun and easy even though the Cambridge practice papers killed me. I had friendly classmates and a nice teacher. #Missisc(h)ool.
Ciotirnae Alexandru – S4B, Drumul Taberei

Mi-a placut ca putem rade fara sa fim certati sau cum Miss ne mai povestea cate ceva din istoria Angliei.
Alexandru Tudorie, S2A, Ghencea

Toate clasele si lectiile pe care le-am avut la FollowMe m-au ajutat sa ma dezvolt ca persoana, mai ales Ted Talk-urile, pe care le-am studiat si Miss Mihaela, m-au facut sa vad lucrurile si in alta perspectiva si m-au invatat multe in legatura cu viata.
Am venit la fiecare ora cu mare placere pentru ca nu era nimic care sa ma streseze.
Miss Mihaela a fost una din cele mai tari profesoare pe care le-am avut.
Andreea Ciocirlea – S7, Drumul Taberei

I liked the English class because it was a happy hour.
I liked Mother’s day because it was beautiful.
I liked Christmas Because we received presents.
I liked the treasure hunt about the UK.
Bahrim Rebeca – J2B, Drumul Taberei

Mie mi-a placut cel mai mult faptul ca de fiecare data cand era o sarbatoare importanta Miss facea cu noi proiecte care mie mi-au placut foarte, foarte, foarte mult.
Alexia Tudose, Clasa 1 B, Vitan

This year was the best at FollowMe. I liked the teacher and I liked that we played and laughed a lot. I really liked it! My favourite class was when we talked about money and we listened to an ABBA song and since then I listen to ABBA every day!
Agapie Alexia – S3C, Drumul Taberei

I had a good experience at FollowMe this year. It was great learning English in a calm atmosphere and most importantly, being able to talk and share opinions. Even if we have grown we still had time for some games through which we developed our vocabulary. I really recommend FollowMe to each kid or teenager who wants to learn English.
Tania Duta – Drumul Taberei, S5A

Mie mi-a placut ca ne-am distrat, ne-am jucat, ne-am amuzat si am facut proiecte amuzante, trasnite si frumoase. Mi-a placut profesoara si colegii. Mi-au placut si ornamentele :). Mi-au placut toate jocurile, chiar daca nu am castigat.
Bianca Stavarache, Clasa 1 A Vitan

This year I liked all the new things I learned:Grammar, vocabulary, writing. The books were very interesting and helpful. They were nice and they had some very exciting lessons that I enjoyed. My classmates were funny and the teacher was also very nice! I liked the games we played and the day we played detective riddles.
Mihailescu Mara, S5, Titan

In doi ani de cursuri la FollowMe am petrecut clipe frumoase cu colegii si cu Miss. Multe joculete si multe lucruri noi invatate. Miss a fost mereu buna cu noi si nu ne-a trimis in Time-Out. Am facut si greseli, dar Miss ne-a iertat.
De fiecare sarbatoare faceam proiect.
La FollowMe a fost minunat! Sper ca si anul viitor sa o am pe Miss. Acum am legat prietenii cu copiii care sunt la mine in clasa. Sper sa fim colegi si anul viitor!
Geatara Adriana Maria – J3B, Drumul Taberei

!!!! MI-A PLACUT MULT !!!!
Mi-a placut foarte mult la engleza si am invatat multe lucruri noi si bune. Am facut engleza la scoala si nu am inteles nimic, dar aici am invatat foarte multe lucruri.
Dan Matei, J3B, Ghencea

M-am distrat foarte mult si mi-a placut foarte mult la FollowMe. In toti anii acestia minunati petrecuti cu Miss si colegii mei am observat ca trebuie sa ne ajutam si sa ne respectam unul pe celalalt. Nu trebuie sa fim rai. Miss m-a ajutat cand am avut mereu nevoie si mi-a explicat incetul cu incetul cum sa nu mai fac greseli! Au fost 2 ani foarte grei, dar minunati!
Marinete Mihaela – J3B, Drumul Taberei

This year I met people who I think that have a beautiful soul. I learned new beautiful things about life and worked, the books were coloured and full of activities that made me feel well here. The classmates made me laugh everytime and I will miss it.
Bacaoanu Diana S3D, Titan

I had a really good experience here at FollowMe. I would recommend it to all the people that would like to take English classes. This year I have learned a lot of new things and what I liked the most was that Miss made sure every time that we understood the new lesson. Also, I liked that my classmates were funny, but serious during classes, and we had fun together.
The hardest times were during tests, but I enjoyed a lot the classes. I developed a lot my vocabulary and FollowMe really helped me to get good marks at school and at exams.
“I didn’t realise I was learning English, I just knew I was having fun!”
Cazan Alexandra – S5A, Drumul Taberei

Ce mi-a placut la FollowMe este ca intotdeauna dupa ce terminam lectiile, ne jucam. Cel mai mult mi-a placut de Miss si faptul ca am avut proiecte si ca ne-am distrat la fiecare ora. Mi-ar placea sa fiu si anul viitor tot cu Miss.
Erdogan Yasmin, S2A Ghencea

Anul acesta a fost unul dintre cei mai buni ani, deoarece am avut ocazia de a cunoaste un om foarte important, acesta fiind profesoara noastra. In afara de a ne fi profesoara, Miss este si va fi unul dintre prietenii mei, de fapt (+colegii mei).
Hritcu David, S3C, Titan

Anul acesta a fost primul meu an la FollowMe! A fost foarte frumos si m-am distrat de minune impreuna cu prietenii mei!
Ma pot considera un om foarte norocos deoarece am avut cea mai draguta Miss <3 <3 si ii multumesc pentru tot ce a facut pentru noi. Poate ca uneori e plictisitor ca trebuie sa faci speaking pentru PET si nu sa te joci sau sa faci 1000 de fise, dar la final sa spui MULTUMESC, MISS! La inceput nu mi-a placut sa ma trezesc la ora 6.30 si sa merg somnambula pana la masina, dar minunata echipa FollowMe, a facut sa imi placa sa fac asta si de fiecare data cand ma trezesc de dimineata ma bucur sa vin aici. FollowMe mi-a deschis multe orizonturi si asta datorita dedicatiei cu care predau profesoarele, deoarece aceasta placere de a invata engleza mi-a fost transmisa!! Cu mult, mult, mult, mult, mult drag!
Dobrescu Diana Alexandra – S4A, Drumul Taberei

I’ve learnt so many things here. I think it was fun and relaxing spending time here. Also, the teachers are super nice. I’m glad I came here, because I can speak and understand English now.
Ana-Maria Marin, S4A Ghencea

Anul acesta la FollowMe am invatat multe lucruri noi pe care imi doream sa le stiu de mult. La inceput nici n-am vrut sa urmez un curs de engleza, dar cu timpul a inceput sa-mi placa din ce in ce mai mult.
Ii multumesc mamei fiindca a insistat, deoarece as fi pierdut foarte multe daca nu veneam la curs :-)
Probabil ca mi-a placut datorita modului in care mi-au fost predate informatiile, dar si datorita colegilor cu care m-am inteles foarte bine.
Stavarache Teodora Maria – S4A, Drumul Taberei


FollowMe Dr. Taberei
Mobil: 0745 205 734; Telefon: 031 411 09 08
Adresa: Bd. Timisoara, la 28A, bloc C10 (in complex GranVia), sector 6
Cum ajungi?
RATB: 8, 25, 41, 47, 137, 138

FollowMe - Ghencea
Mobil: 0757 571 171; Telefon: 031 438 05 12
Adresa: Bd. Ghencea 43B, etaj 4 (in incinta Ghencea Business Center), sector 6
Cum ajungi?
RATB: 41, 122, 126, 173, 221, 385

FollowMe - Vitan
Mobil: 0757 571 175; Telefon: 031 418 67 68
Adresa: Calea Vitan 119, bl. V21B, sc. 3, sector 3
Cum ajungi?
RATB: 1, 123, 124, 135, 223
Metrou: Dristor, Mihai Bravu

FollowMe - Titan
Mobil: 0745 300 457; Telefon: 031 408 50 53
Adresa: Str. Prisaca Dornei 2E, etaj 2, sector 3
Cum ajungi?
RATB: 19, 23, 70, 79, 92, 101, 102, 311, 330, 335
Metrou: Statia Titan

Numere de telefon:

FollowMe Dr. Taberei: Mobil: 0745 205 734; Tel.fix: 031 411 09 08
FollowMe - Ghencea: Mobil: 0757 571 171; Tel.fix: 031 438 05 12
FollowMe - Vitan: Mobil: 0757 571 175; Tel.fix: 031 418 67 68
FollowMe - Titan:Mobil: 0745 300 457; Tel.fix: 031 408 50 53


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